Evidence-Based Wellness Programs for Public Safety
Some Suggested Research Studies for Masters/Doctoral Theses/Dissertations:
Differences between supervisors and sworn officers in their view of the most important characteristics needed for successful performance in a police/public safety officer position
Prediction of training academy performance based upon NPSWP survey results (completed during the first two weeks of employment/academy training)
Follow-up study comparing admitted anger patterns/stress-coping skills identified at different phases of a public safety officer’s career
Gender differences for personality characteristics (measured by NPSWP surveys) of entry-level firefighters/police officers/correction officers/armed security personnel
Differences between civilian focus group results regarding the most important characteristics needed for successful performance in a public safety career compared with views of sworn officers
Differences in personality variables between recent public safety recruits (measured by NPSWP surveys taken upon entrance to academy training) and soon-to-be-retired seasoned officers in a local law enforcement agency (measured by NPSWP surveys taken within 12 months of planned retirement)
Prediction of FTO performance ratings by NPSWP “emotional intelligence” survey scores (completed during the academy training period)
Prediction of trauma/critical incident recovery time based on NPSWP survey results taken at the training level compared with survey results obtained immediately after the trauma/critical incident
Perceived value of CISD (Critical Incident Stress Debriefing) on the part of public safety personnel based on NPSWP survey results (with different individual scale scores creating different grouped profile results)
Interaction between personality characteristics (measured by NPSWP surveys taken prior to counseling/ therapy) and public safety personnel satisfaction with different therapy techniques (psychotherapy with behavioral intervention/in-vivo exposure/EMDR techniques vs. psychotherapy involving verbal communications without behavioral exercises)
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